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Help Rescue a Somali Reporter, Targeted for Assassination

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On Sunday gunmen shot and killed Muktar Hirabe, director of Radio Shabelle in Mogadishu, making him the fifth Somali reporter to die this year, in a country where being a journalist is one of the most dangerous jobs there is.

With Hirabe was Ahmed Omar Hashi (at right in the photo), a Shabelle senior producer and my friend. Hashi was shot in the hand and stomach, but survived. He called me from a hospital on Monday. He does not know who targeted him, but he is certain they will return to finish the job. He told me he needs $1,500 to get a visa and get out of Somalia, before the gunmen strike again.

I have promised to help Hashi, as best I can. I am good for $300, and World Politics Review publisher Hampton Stephens has pledged $500. Meanwhile, Paul McLeary in Washington, D.C., has promised some cash and volunteered to facilitate the wire transfer. Who else can help? We have two days …

To donate, go to www.warisboring.com and click on the Paypal button on the left sidebar. Any donations flow to me. I will then forward them in a lump sum to Paul, who will be making the wire transfer at the end of this week. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, you can email me at [email protected]

(Photo: David Axe)

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