
April 8, 2016

An Evening with Molly Crabapple: Drawing Blood

We live in an age of frenetic journalism. When the internet can deliver any snapshot of the world to us at the press of a button, it is easy to forget that there are some places the camera cannot go. 

June 3, 2015

Everyday Rebellion: Inspiring Non-Violent Dissent

By Antonia Roupell The Frontline Club began its June documentary programme on Monday 1 with a retrospective look at various forms of non-violent protests in the cross-media documentary, Everyday Rebellion. The film was directed by the Riahi brothers and Arman Riahi was present for a lively Q&A after the screening.

April 8, 2015

Rice Pudding and Lego Men: A Blueprint for Revolution

By Elliott Goat “Creativity always wins out over power.” – Srdja Popovic To mark the release of his new book, Blueprint for Revolution: How to use rice pudding, Lego men, and other non-violent techniques to galvanise communities, overthrow dictators, or simply change the world, the Frontline Club hosted a conversation with Serbian author and activist […]

Tuesday 7 April 2015, 7:00 PM

Insight with Srdja Popovic: Blueprint for Revolution

In 2000, Srdja Popovic was one of the leaders of the Serbian nonviolent resistance group Otpor! that helped topple Slobodan Milošević. Then in 2003 he decided to use his experience to help pro-democracy activists around the world, teaching them how to bring down a dictator. He will be joining us in conversation with Steve Crawshaw, director of the office of the secretary general at Amnesty International and co-author of Small Acts of Resistance, to share his story and the ingenious ways in which non-violent resistance has achieved its means around the world, from Occupy Wall Street to Tahrir Square, and from Nelson Mandela to Harvey Milk.

November 1, 2011

#Occupy, Film Africa and the craft of the foreign correspondent

As protesters outside St Paul’s are served with a legal warning to clear the area within 48 hours, join us tomorrow evening to discuss the motives and objectives of the global occupy movement. The first of our Film Africa screenings, celebrating the best African fiction and documentary films across the continent, is El Problema, while on Friday Sorious Samura and […]