
Thursday, 20th February, 7:00PM

Journalists On Assange

Leading journalists gather at The Frontline Club to discuss what the implications of the upcoming Assange extradition trial are for both press freedom and freedom of speech.

December 13, 2018 7:00 pm

In Conversation – Carles Puigdemont, the exiled former Catalan leader and mastermind of the controversial 2017 independence referendum

Carles Puigdemont, exiled former Catalan leader and mastermind of the controversial 2017 independence referendum joins us for an hour at the Frontline Cub to explain the Catalan problem and answer press and audience questions.

  Watch the video stream of In Conversation: Carles Puigdemont

January 27, 2012

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 30 January – 5 February

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 30 January to Sunday, 5 February from Foresight News By Nicole Hunt European leaders gather in Brussels on Monday for an informal meeting of the European Council, during which discussions are set to focus on jobs and the new fiscal stabilisation treaty agreed at their controversial […]

November 7, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 7 – 13 November

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 7 November to Sunday, 13 November from ForesightNews   By Nicole Hunt  Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, better known as Carlos the Jackal, goes on trial in Paris on Monday accused of complicity in the deaths of 11 people. The charges relate to bombings in France in 1982 and 1983. […]

August 25, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 29 August – 4 September

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 29 August to Sunday, 4 September from ForesightNews By Allan Williams Former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega has until Monday to appeal against his extradition to Panama. The 77-year-old is currently serving a prison sentence in France after being convicted of money laundering in July 2010. On Tuesday […]

August 4, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 8-14 August

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 8 August to Sunday, 14 August from ForesightNews Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav is back in court in Jerusalem on Monday, appealing his April conviction and seven year sentence for indecent assault and sexual harassment of two female employees. In Dharamsala, Lobsang Sangay is sworn in as the […]

July 7, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 11-17 July

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 11  July to Sunday, 17 July from ForesightNews Monday marks the 16th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, which has returned to the forefront again recently with Ratko Mladic’s arrest and last week’s Dutch court verdict assigning responsibility to the Dutch state for the deaths of three men […]