
September 8, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 12-18 September

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 12 September to Sunday, 18 September from ForesightNews By Nicole Hunt The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors meets in Vienna on Monday, with Iran likely to be high on the agenda following last week’s report expressing increased concerns over ‘undisclosed nuclear related activities’ […]

September 1, 2011

ForesightNews world briefing: upcoming events 5-11 September

A weekly round up of world events from Monday, 5 September to Sunday, 11September from ForesightNews By Nicole Hunt This week is filled with high-profile trials and judgements around the world, kicking off on Monday with six big-name hearings, including several former world leaders: ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, his sons and former Interior Minister […]