Documentary Matchmaking at Sheffield Doc/Fest – Call for entries


The Frontline Club is proud to announce our fourth event in association with The Channel 4 BRITDOC Foundation. At Sheffield Doc/Fest, on Friday 10th of June, we will be hosting an evening of Documentary Matchmaking at the BRITDOC Bar to pair great new projects with the right people in the industry to help make them happen.

Directors and producers are invited to introduce their work in progress projects to a crowded room including leading producers, editors, commissioners and possible collaborators. Each project will have a few minutes to display what they are doing and what advice and/or help they need from the experts in the room. Projects displayed will be at varying stages of production, ranging from early developments all the way through to the completion stage.

Several projects presented at previous events have gone on to great things, with You’ve Been Trumped by Anthony Baxter and Hell and Back Again by Danfung Dennis both playing at this year’s Sheffield Doc/Fest.


If you want the chance to stand up and present your project, or even just show a short clip, send us information about your project – a link to a clip or trailer (if you have one) – and identify what you would hope to find at the event (a producer, an editor, a mentor, advice etc) by Friday 3rd June.

Please email [email protected] to apply.