Communications Inc

October 25, 2011 7:00 PM

THIRD PARTY EVENT: Is Blue the New Green?

Overfishing and dying oceans are in the media spotlight as never before. Will it change anything?

‘End of the Line’, the film about overfishing, has been screened across the globe. Channel 4’s “Fish Fight’ series this year prompted a huge public response in the UK. London department store Selfridges’ “Project Ocean” event mixed scientists and royalty in discussing ocean issues. Celebrity chefs have taken up the cause, and stories about the dying oceans now seem to dominate environmental reporting by the media.

Will the increased spotlight on marine damage bring real change? Or is the ocean just the latest ‘fad’, as climate change issues fall out of favour with editors and politicians? Media, campaigning and policy experts will discuss the growing focus on ‘blue’ issues.

October 21, 2011

What’s coming up at the Frontline Club

Tonight’s event with Nawal El Saadawi, the veteran Egyptian feminist campaigner who yesterday recieved the Women of the Year Outstanding Achievement Award is sold out, but you can watch it online from 7pm. Next week we will be joined by the Guardian’s Luke Harding and the BBC’s Angus Roxburgh to discuss their experiences reporting from Russia and whether the country is a Mafia […]

June 7, 2011 7:00 PM

THIRD PARTY Plunder of the oceans – The rise of pirate fishing, impacts and solutions

The evening will reveal the extent of the problem of pirate fishing, which takes place in both the developed and developing world. Discussion will focus on the many issues surrounding pirate fishing, including its dramatic impact on poorer coastal states, where hundreds of thousands of people rely on fish for food and livelihood. How EU subsidies are still benefitting illegal fishing operations, and how port states are being seen as the frontline in combating this activity. We will be exploring possible solutions and the importance of the role of the media in exposing the impacts of pirate fishing as a crime, comparable to international drugs smuggling.