modern day slavery

Monday 17th September 2018, 7:00PM

Spotlight on Modern Day Slavery 1: The Trap

The Frontline Club brings to you the first in a series of events focusing on the global phenomenon of slavery and forced labour. The first in the series will discuss women and Sex Trafficking on an international scale.

October 29, 2014

FOR SALE: Modern Day Slavery

By Elliott Goat “Sometimes they don’t even know where here is.” In the build up to the Thomson Reuters Foundation Trust Women Conference, on Monday 27 October the Frontline Club hosted a debate on modern day slavery and human trafficking chaired by Prabha Kotiswaran, senior lecturer in Law at King’s College London and advisor to […]

Monday 27 October 2014, 7:00 PM

Modern Day Slavery: How to Tackle Human Trafficking

Desperate for a better life, men, women and children risk perilous journeys for the promise of prosperity in the UK, Europe or America. Those who manage to reach their destination will often find themselves sold into a life of sexual exploitation, forced labour, street crime and domestic servitude. Ahead of the Thomson Reuters Foundation Trust Women conference, at which this subject will be discussed extensively, we will be bringing together a panel of experts to examine how we can tackle the problem of human trafficking.