
November 23, 2011

Kashmir: South Asia’s Palestine?

View in iTunes Watch the even here.  By Marise Jeyarajah The club hosted an animated discussion last night on the controversial issues surrounding the future of Kashmir. Chaired by author and broadcaster Victoria Schofield. Kashmiri born Mirza Waheed, BBC Urdu journalist and author of The Collaborator, opened the event by giving his account of the ‘turning point’ events […]

November 22, 2011 7:00 PM

Kashmir: South Asia’s Palestine?

The former Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir, is seen by many as South Asia’s Palestinian counterpart. Bordered by Pakistan, India, China and Afghanistan, each country has laid claim to the territory that lies in the foothills of the Himalayas. It has been caught between continuous contestation of borders and autonomy since the partition of British India.

Join us at the Frontline Club with an expert panel to discuss where Kashmir stands in its fight for freedom and the options that lay before it.

October 21, 2011

Talks and screenings at the Frontline Club in November

From a series of films focusing on Africa to a discussion with Sky News’ Alex Crawford about her career and recent reporting in Libya, we have a wide range of talks lined up to keep you entertained and your mind stimulated this November, as winter approaches and the nights draw in.  We will be discussing Kashmir’s future, the changing role of […]

October 13, 2011

Announcing November events at the Frontline Club

From a series of films focusing on Africa to a discussion with Sky News’ Alex Crawford about her career and recent reporting in Libya, we have a wide range of talks lined up to keep you entertained and your mind stimulated this November, as winter approaches and the nights draw in.  We will be discussing Kashmir’s future, the changing role […]

July 4, 2009

Pure Kashmir by Muzamil Jaleel

Illustration by Clara Vulliamy While Pakistan has helped the war on terror, it has been reluctant to crack down on militants from the Lashkar-E-Taiba group. Now it is under pressure to do just that – with explosive results.    The guard stands lazily at the entrance of a crammed brick bunker. Without saying a word, […]

May 15, 2009

Bruised lensmen portraying Kashmir’s clear picture

The tussle between the media, Indian military and police in Indian Administered Kashmir has run into decades now. Journalists are intimidated and harassed while doing their job in what is an extremely hostile environment. At the forefront of this oppression are the photojournalists and camera crew of various newspapers and Channels whose presence is being […]

April 27, 2009

Tulips, tourists and Taliban

The tourism sector, one of the corner stones of the economy of the Indian Administered Kashmir, seems to be in jeopardy. Tourist arrival rates have taken a nose dive ever since concocted media reports of the presence of ‘Taliban’ in the region. These reports dealt such a blow that local tour operators say that the […]

April 1, 2009

Indian sculptors bring life to Kashmir stone

It was after two decades that sculptors from India landed in Indian held Kashmir to take part in a camp organized by the government run Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art Culture and Languages (JKAACL) which looks after Cultural and Art related activities in the troubled region. Even though Kashmir has produced some sculptors of […]