Scribe in sculpture

According to PhilStar, plans are afoot in Manilla to erect a sculpture in honour of Philippine STAR founding publisher and foreign correspondent Maximo Soliven. Speaking at Manila city hall on Wednesday Mayor Alfredo Lim said,
“We are already talking about putting up a statue of Max Soliven along the Baywalk. He is one of the best journalists and a known fighter for freedom and rights of the citizenry,†said Lim. But he said he would have to consult first with Soliven’s wife Preciosa regarding the location of the sculpture and the nature of the pose. “Initially, Preciosa said that if a sculpture would be made in Max’s honor, she requests that it be placed within the vicinity of the Aristocrat restaurant because it was where they used to go when Max was still courting her,†he said…
…For more than 12 years, he worked as a foreign correspondent and covered several historical events, among them the Vietnam War, the 1968 Tet Offensive, the Gestapu Coup in Indonesia and the detonation of the first atomic bomb in the People’s Republic of China.
Soliven was recognized locally and internationally. He was named Journalist of the Year by the National Press Club, a Chevalier (knight) of the National Order of Merit of the French Republic, and was given by King Juan Carlos the rank of Encomendero de la Orden Isabel la Catolica. During the declaration of Martial Law, former President Ferdinand Marcos ordered Soliven’s arrest but he was later released on probation for three months. He was also barred from leaving the country and writing for seven years. link