Vietnam and beyond

Philip Jones Griffiths will be giving a talk at the Frontline club this coming Thursday. He first made his name for his pictures from the Vietnam war. The Independent newspaper interviews Philip today,
“Journalism is about obliterating distances, bringing far away things closer home and impressing it on people’s senses. You excite your humanity every time you take a photo; lose your humanity and you stop being able to judge, to know, to see… My tools as a photographer are different to other reporters. I don’t have the time or space they have to go into context; my images speak alone, which can be a problem. But all journalists share two concerns: first, for truth; second, for the suffering of innocents. No man can see what I’ve seen and not be moved to tell others about it.” link
I’ll be at Philip’s talk the night before giving the Frontline Blogging and Beyond training course – if you’re coming, let me know.